Hello Ladies,
I feel this update is a bit like ‘Groundhog Day’ as unfortunately it is pretty much the same as last summer. I know we are all reading and hearing about low cases, positive vaccination numbers and that the province would like to see a return of extracurricular school activities this fall. As well, I know we are all wondering what this might mean for our league this year.
As you can understand, our league is at the mercy of the boards, schools and their policies regarding community use of their facilities. At this point, we remain uncertain as to what the local boards will decide for this upcoming year. We are hopeful that even if they don’t open at the start of the school year, perhaps a delayed start may be possible. In the near future we will be having discussions about the registration process for the upcoming year. Please stay tuned for more information on that topic.
As soon as we hear anything from the schools, or news about the registration process for this year we will pass along that information as soon as we can. Until then, please stay safe, take care and we hope to see you on the court soon!
Thank you.
President of the North Bay Ladies Volleyball League