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2024-25 Registration Closed

The 2024-2025 Registration period is now closed. Thank you to all the teams that registered for this season. Stay tuned for more information to follow.

Aug 31st, 2024|Comments Off on 2024-25 Registration Closed


Final Roster

What You Should Know

Rules ‘N Regs


310, 2022

2022-2023 Final Roster Due Date

Captain’s, Just a reminder that your Final Roster is due Friday October 28, 2022. You can get to the form by clicking on the Final Roster button on the home page or by following this link.https://nblvl.com/wp-content/uploads/nblvl_roster12.pdf Please scan or take a picture of the completed final roster and email it to nblvleague@gmail.com Thanks Stefanie
2909, 2022

2022-2023 Schedules

Good Morning,

A quick update to let you know that schedules are now available on our NBLVL site.

Follow this link https://nblvl.com/schedules/ to view them.


Stefanie Juneau

909, 2022

Fall General Meeting, 2022

Good morning,

Our 2022 Fall General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 20th at SJSH in the cafeteria. The meeting will start at 7:00 pm sharp. Everyone can enter through the gym doors on McLeod Street.

All executive positions are available with the E and F Divisions Stats-person(s) being a priority.

Please Note: At least one member from each team MUST be at the meeting for it’s entirety. If a team does not send a representative to the meeting, that team will lose 2 points as per our constitution.

Always check our website for rules and updates.

Stefanie Juneau

2608, 2022

Update – Fall 2022

Good Afternoon,

I have some exciting news for you today.

First, we were successful in securing all of our regular gyms for this season and a big thank-you goes out to our school partners. We are happy to say that all divisions will be playing on the same nights as they did prior to the pandemic.

Secondly, the big topic everyone has been waiting for…Registration. As mentioned in previous updates, we are moving to an on-line registration and payment process as we no longer have our physical mailbox and will no longer accept registrations via mail.

Registration will be two steps. The first step is to visit our site and follow the link to the League Application Form. Fill out the form with the required information and submit the form. The second step is to send an e-transfer for the team fees to complete the registration. We are only accepting e-transfers with the password volleyball, and please note your team name with your e-transfer details. Please note that the teams’ registration is ONLY considered complete when we have received both the registration form from our website and the e-transfer to nblvleague@gmail.com

The registration form will ‘go live’ on our site starting September 1st, 2022 at 7:00 am until September 15th, 2022 at 11:59:00 pm.

All League Application Forms are electronically date and time stamped when submitted and as well we can track the e-transfer times as well. We will not accept any other form of electronic form submission (ie: scan and email) or payment type. Registration must be done through our site and both parts must be received by September 15th, 2022 at 11:59:00pm.

As in the past, returning teams will be guaranteed a spot, while new teams are first come first get in to the available spots in the league. Please refer to the constitution posted on our website regarding returning teams and requests for changing divisions.

As is protocol, teams will be moved up or down divisions according to the standings at the time the last season played was terminated due to the pandemic. After registration closes, teams will be adjusted and put into divisions, schedules made and the 2022-2023 season will start the first week of October.

We will be posting a notice for the general meeting soon. All executive positions are available and as well we have a need to fill E and F division stats persons before we end the general meeting. If you have an interest in that role, please put your name forward.

Thank You,


2607, 2022

Update – Summer 2022

Hello Ladies,

It has been a while since our last correspondence so I wanted to give you a bit of an update with regards to the upcoming NBLVL season.

So far, we have secured 2 out of the 3 gyms that are needed for our league which is very promising. We can’t book the third gym until Mid-August. The executive met a couple of weeks ago and if all of the stars align, our tentative plan is to have registration open by the end of August with a start to the season sometime in early October.

Currently there is a shortage of volleyball officials so if you might be interested to learn, please send us an email. We will be running a pre-season tournament at Scollard Hall September 24th which will not only get us back in the swing of things but we will use this tournament to help train new officials.

We will have more information coming soon so keep checking back on social media and our website.

Thank You,
