

Update – Summer 2022

Hello Ladies,

It has been a while since our last correspondence so I wanted to give you a bit of an update with regards to the upcoming NBLVL season.

So far, we have secured 2 out of the 3 gyms that are needed for our league which is very promising. We can’t book the third gym until Mid-August. The executive met a couple of weeks ago and if all of the stars align, our tentative plan is to have registration open by the end of August with a start to the season sometime in early October.

Currently there is a shortage of volleyball officials so if you might be interested to learn, please send us an email. We will be running a pre-season tournament at Scollard Hall September 24th which will not only get us back in the swing of things but we will use this tournament to help train new officials.

We will have more information coming soon so keep checking back on social media and our website.

Thank You,


Update – Summer 2022 2022-07-27T10:44:12-04:00

Update – Summer 2021

Hello Ladies,

I feel this update is a bit like ‘Groundhog Day’ as unfortunately it is pretty much the same as last summer. I know we are all reading and hearing about low cases, positive vaccination numbers and that the province would like to see a return of extracurricular school activities this fall. As well, I know we are all wondering what this might mean for our league this year.

As you can understand, our league is at the mercy of the boards, schools and their policies regarding community use of their facilities. At this point, we remain uncertain as to what the local boards will decide for this upcoming year. We are hopeful that even if they don’t open at the start of the school year, perhaps a delayed start may be possible. In the near future we will be having discussions about the registration process for the upcoming year. Please stay tuned for more information on that topic.

As soon as we hear anything from the schools, or news about the registration process for this year we will pass along that information as soon as we can. Until then, please stay safe, take care and we hope to see you on the court soon!

Thank you.


President of the North Bay Ladies Volleyball League

Update – Summer 2021 2021-07-20T17:12:55-04:00

UPDATE – Fall 2020

Hello Ladies,

A quick update for you on the 2020/21 season.

Thank you to all the teams that have submitted registrations for this year. Unfortunately given the current COVID-19 circumstances, we have not been able to secure any gym times for our league as of yet. We continue to stay in touch with our school partners and as soon as we have any news regarding gym times we will pass them along to you.

Please visit this site from time to time for further updates.

Thank you.


President of the North Bay Ladies Volleyball League

UPDATE – Fall 2020 2020-09-30T13:48:48-04:00

UPDATE – Summer 2020

Hello Ladies,

I am sure most of you have been wondering about the upcoming volleyball season and the registration window. Although things are slowly opening up in our province, we remain uncertain as to what our upcoming season will look like as there are many variables to contend with.

To stay on somewhat of a normal schedule and to be prepared for different scenarios, we would  like to open up team registrations for the upcoming season. We will not be asking for the registration fee at this time but please submit your roster as normal.

The registration window will run from August 1st, 2020 thru August 28th, 2020 and rosters can be submitted either to our email address or you can use the Canada Post Mailbox (refer to the registration page and form for details).

Please stay safe, take care and we hope to see you on the court soon!

Thank you.


President of the North Bay Ladies Volleyball League

UPDATE – Summer 2020 2020-07-27T16:15:15-04:00

Donation of $250.00


With the balance of league money we chose to donate to the Food Bank.

Thank you ladies of North Bay Volleyball league


Thank You Letter



Donation of $250.00 2020-06-18T20:00:18-04:00

UPDATE- Spring 2020

Hello Ladies,

Due to the uncertainty of the remainder of the school year the executive has come to the sad agreement that we are going to cancel the rest of the season.

We are sorry the season had to end like this but with the circumstances as they are we think it’s the best decision.

The movement of top 1 or 2 teams up and down will still happen For next season with the results of the regular season.

Default fees (if you get them) will be mailed out so please send your vice the person to whom you want the cheque written out to and the address to mail it to.

Congratulations on a great season and to the winners of each division.

Please stay safe, take care and we will see you next season.

Please refer to the website for registration details.

For August when sending the registration fee by etransfer can you please use the password volleyball to make things a bit easier for us.

Thank you.


President of the North Bay Ladies Volleyball League

UPDATE- Spring 2020 2022-07-27T15:34:20-04:00

Games on hold until April 5th

Games are canceled as long as the schools are closed until April 5th.

We will be in touch after things cool down 🙂



Games on hold until April 5th 2022-08-26T09:20:27-04:00

Merry Christmas!

SUWA- E Division had some great Christmas spirit last night!! Well done ladies!

Merry Christmas! 2019-12-12T14:21:29-05:00